Evening dreaming about having enough time to rip into Crew key performance indicators like I mean it.
For the time being and for the lack of time. I decided to look into the Crew's points per game on a ten week rolling average. Meaning; each data point is the previous averaged 10 weeks Win (3) / Draw (1) / Loss (0).
I actually started in 2007 for the data but since I'm using 10 weeks I used that year as a starting point for 2008. I got a lot out of this exercise. 1st. Holy jackhole. I can see why the team was cleaned out after last year. I know part of it had to do with contracts, age, and purging the team after Sigi Schmid left. But, really. Look at the drop in ppg at the end of the year!
Back to the chart. 3 pts is max in the chart above. That happens to be the max points you can get each game in the MLS.
I put the logo at the spot the Crew are in now. Looks like it is very, very familiar spot for the franchise. Last 2 years have gone the wrong direction afterwards. This year? Eh?? oh? duhdun duhhh. hh.
If I were on the board (does the Crew have a board?) I'd be watching very closely. I see a pattern of sucking late in the season over the last two cliff diving years. And in the last two years we've had the same coach and staff. Young team, but late year collapses shouldn't become a pattern.
Good progress after all the personnel changes this year for the Crew. This is Warzycha's 1st real team. He keeps droning on and on about getting better and better and the team isn't there yet. Well, he is in the same place the team has been in the last two years (even with out locally worshiped GSB, hoooooollllllly GSB) so now is his chance to show that growth. Or, really, just the lack of drop off. I think he will strike right through 2008 (in the chart).
So speakeath a tired manufacturing manager.
You didn't mention the fact that in 2009 and 2010 the club had to contend with the additional strain of CONCACAF Champions League matches that begin in the final third of the season. This is most definitely the cause of the drop in ppgs for the last part of the season. CCL is something the Crew won't have to deal with this year so hopefully they'll return to '08 form during the playoff push.
Yeah, end of Sept thru Oct 2010 was brutal. A couple away CCL games and 5 of 7 away league games. Nobody is coming out of that in good shape.
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