Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Video Vault Pt.2

A trailer, of sorts, for a longer video (and blog, I guess) for a top video games list. 

I am constantly trying to satisfy the video game loving monster inside of me but he just keeps asking for more. In a lot of ways this video is better then the one it is previewing. Every time after watching this I want to play. The beginning part was filmed at The COSI center in downtown Columbus, Ohio and I'm looking East over the Scioto River.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Video Vault Pt.1

Here is a look at a video that was incomplete... but much time spent on. It was made nostalgically for days playing Ghost Recon in NC. It was created shortly after GRAW came out for the 360. I tried to capture the chaos the games moments sometimes had. And I'll write another short sentence here. Why not another one. Too dark I guess, but I came across it today and still like it so I'll post it up for the few people who may see it. 

Thursday, January 3, 2008