Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Andres Mendoza's Value is $205,608.64

Sebastian Miranda is the most valuable player on the Columbus Crew at $267,357.37. Señor Miranda is playing 132.5% above his current salary of $115k. Josh Gardner is playing 273.4% above his current salary of $49,200. That is the largest margin on the club.

Six Sigma tools are a beautiful thing. Those witty Brits at Minitab also make it unfair. I can. not. wait. till the end of this season. Yes, the Crew have a chance at the MLS Cup and that is exciting. But I can't wait to rip data that is standing still.

One of the things I found appealing about following the Crew this year was the player salaries. Why? Well, to be frank, their salaries are approachable (small, but I believe them to be fair in the worldwide footballing market).

Example: Eric Gehrig is pulling in a modest sum of 32,600.40 p/yr. That's $958.82 per game if he plays or not. But most of us don't get paid to play kickball. Let's look at it as a bi-weekly pay check of $1253.84 before taxes. The cold, honest truth here is that he is making less than the Ohio median household income. These are people to pull for. To buy a ticket to see.

For the record: Mr. Gehrig is worth $68,323.90. And that is right now. If Chad Marshall is out another week, that worth will go up.

For the record, here are the best players on the Columbus Crew, by value, right now. The % is what they are worth above their current yearly salary.

273% : Josh Gardner
265% : Tom Heinemann
236% : Julius James
197% : Rich Balchan
190% : Kevin Burns
132% : Sebastian Miranda
109% : Bernardo Anor
109% : Eric Gehrig
064% : Robbie Rogers
053% : William Hesmer
013% : Justin Meram
007% : Eddie Gaven
001% : Emmanuel Ekpo

Incidentally. Therein is your starting team for 2012. Right? Certainly people smarter than me are looking at this.

UPDATE/NOTE: Looking at value only; guys out performing their salary in relationship to the rest of the league.

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