Monday, May 9, 2011

the New guy

Long time reader. first time poster. rabid Helltown fan. and spirit-partner of Helltown Brewmasters United.

I'm coming to you from Raleigh, NC. looking all the way across the sea to the Premier League and scanning the local landscape for MLS inspiration.

this is Bleeno. and i'm honored to be here.
now let's get started. and i'll keep this brief. cause i don't want to ramble on and on.

The Crew.
a fan? not yet. YET. i'll be a fan when i know more. but i wouldn't profess to be a fan without at least knowing the players names for crying out loud. so that's my first objective. and what better way to meet my objective than to play FIFA 11.

straight outta the gate I'm into it. Goal - Gaven. this guy consistently is getting big numbers. man of the match kind of numbers. and he settles in all over the midfield, which i love. side note: I'm a Liverpool fan. and Gerrard does this in spades. attacking. holding. defending. on the wing. versatile. it's very important to be able to change your formation (which i love to do. cause i like to tinker) and not have to make two substitutions just to make the formation work. Gaven - A+.

unfortunately, the FIFA roster and the actual roster seem a bit different. and i don't know enough to know what's what. so, i need time.

a fan? not yet. YET. but, i'll be a fan when i know more...

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