Wednesday, October 19, 2011

United's Lack of Spice Consistency

There you have it, the end of the season. Plenty of close games this year that could have swung our way, but hey, that's the way the tacos tumble. Benny you did pretty well as a rookie coach, I mean, I like you.. DeRo, you've been a stunner. Najar, you're gonna go far. Pontius, get well soon. Davies, poor fella, chin up.

Looking forward to next year. In the meantime I've got one more game to go to and I better get one of those little soccer balls they throw out to us silly fans.
Highlights and interviews
Especially watch the Ngwenya miss. Sums up his season.
Here's a great reaction from Martin Shatzer who was in the pressbox

1 comment:

L W Johnson said...

Game of the year, that last one.