Thursday, May 3, 2012

Crew Core Competencies, with Grapes

Know what? It's high time I give a review the Crew players currently on the roster, before they are gone. Why? It's been over a year since I've been intently following this swashbuckling bunch of lovable rebel rousers.

Flash Gordon Accompaniment.

Reviews tend to consist of the latest and greatest fads coming out of the all-knowing collective genius that is Human Resources. Believe it or not, here at Helltown we have a HR department. She is known as 'being sober'... and she's not in today.

Over the past few days I've gone through a big old list of footballing attributes. When I say big, I mean Football Manager 12 + FIFA 12 plus real world attributes big. Once I got a big old list of them, I whittled them down to core socker attributes. Things that a manager can assign numbers to from the comfort of his or her office (or cubicle, as the case may be). AKA, Core Competencies!

Below are attributes that I found fitting. Traits that I found important to everyone, regardless of position. Things, that if I were building my own team, would be most important.

They are:

Attitude, Consistency, Determination, Durability, Intelligence, Natural Ability, Positioning, Stamina, Strength, Teamwork.

I limited it to ten attributes because it makes assigning a score easy and round. 10 being the highest you can score (BEST). 10x10 is 100. Or 100%.

Core Ability : Name
90% : Milovan Mirosevic
86% : Eddie Gaven
86% : Danny O'Rourke
86% : Chad Marshall
85% : Josh Williams
85% : Julius James
81% : Eric Gehrig
80% : Nemanja Vukovic
80% : Tom Heinemann
75% : William Hesmer
71% : Aaron Schoenfeld
70% : Justin Meram
70% : Olman Vargas
70% : Bernardo Anor
68% : Kirk Urso
65% : Sebastian Miranda
63% : Ethan Finlay
61% : Rich Balchan
57% : Shaun Francis
53% : Emilio Renteria
53% : Tony Tchani
52% : Andy Gruenebaum
52% : Dilly Duka

Not Rated: Jairo Arrieta, Kevan George, Cole Grossman, Aaron Horton, Matt Lampson, Carlos Mendes, Aubrey Perry, Ben Speas, Korey Veeder

Now take out the injured players, assign position and START! Seems easy doesn't it. It's interesting how something as simple as assigning values to players through method is lost on many.

Here are the attributes that didn't quite make the cut into my Core Competencies(!) I felt like some of them were too position specific.

Composure, Decision Making, Level of Discipline, Acceleration, Aggression, Bravery, Command of Area, First Touch, Handling, Marking, Off the Ball, Pace, Tackling, Work Rate, Aerial Ability, Anticipation, Creativity, Crossing, Dribbling, Flair, Heading, Jumping, One on Ones, Reflexes, Technique.

However. If you want to see how I rated each Crew player based on all their categories, you can. LINK.


The Helltown Grape Ape from Breaux Vineyardland.

Core Competencies are more about feel. Once you sort out what competencies are important you will find out that this is how coaches, managers, corporations shape identity. Some people value these things far and away above other measurables. I'm still trying to figure how important it is in the world of sports.

What I did with these attributes is weigh them to pluck out less important qualities. I did continue on a rate each player in each category with that weight, here's how:

Top Comps were scored as 10,5 or 1.

Comps a level below that: 5, 3 or 1.

Least important were: 0 or 1.

I added them up and divided by the total possible score. I simplified scores by not getting nick picky about the difference between a 6 and an 8. The easier you make scoring the better. Usually a player or person has a good first touch or doesn't. No need to spend time splitting hairs, especially when you use more abilities / traits in your comp.

Anyhow, here is how my overall ratings went. On the far left is the OVER ALL, includes all comps, traits and abilities. In the middle is the score with just my Competencies. It's interesting how far Milovan, James, Heinemann and Vargas dropped when more skill traits were added. Urso dropped the most. One the surface it appears that this particular team is weak on the skills side of things (I dropped the GK's off this list).

87% : 86% : Eddie Gaven
87% : 86% : Chad Marshall
85% : 86% : Danny O'Rourke
84% : 90% : Milovan Mirosevic
83% : 85% : Josh Williams
77% : 81% : Eric Gehrig
76% : 80% : Nemanja Vukovic
76% : 85% : Julius James
73% : 80% : Tom Heinemann
69% : 71% : Aaron Schoenfeld
69% : 70% : Bernardo Anor
64% : 65% : Sebastian Miranda
64% : 70% : Olman Vargas
63% : 61% : Rich Balchan
62% : 70% : Justin Meram
61% : 63% : Ethan Finlay
60% : 57% : Shaun Francis
58% : 53% : Emilio Renteria
57% : 68% : Kirk Urso
55% : 53% : Tony Tchani
48% : 52% : Dilly Duka

Fun stuff for me, believe it or not. I think I am somehow hard wired for this sort of thing.

Next up for me is to figure out a goal driven metrics based on a teamwork foundation for who starts week to week.

Quick note on the Flash Gordon link up there. Caught the movie in HD recently and it looked beautiful. The cinematographer, Gilbert Taylor, also worked on on The Beatles, Hard Day's Night.

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