So President's Day is here and what do I decide to do? Why go out hunting for older video games of course. It's not as easy as you might think. Back in high school and even some times in college, going to a thrift store or second time around store was a regular thing. Thinking back I remember piles of Atari games, consoles and the like. Well, it had been a while since I had gone, but this crazy itch to collect is getting to the point where I'm just not going to stop it. I tried a Salvation Army to start... nothing but a few controllers for systems I'm not aware of (which, in all likelyhood, I will go back to buy after some research on them). Next up was a American Volunteer shop across the street... jackpot. There was an Atari 2600 surrounded about 42 games and a Sega Genesis. The prices where ridiculous but I went with the 2600 and 19 games for $40. This brings my Atari console collection to:
Atari 2600 - Model CX-2600 1978 or 1979 not sure yet. It is not the Sunnyvale, CA 'heavy sixer' but a six switch wood panel none the less. It does have the Super Service sticker.
Atari 2600 - Model CX-2600 A. This is the first four switch with wood panel.
Want to find out what Atari Console you've got? Go to www.atariage.com, but make it quick, otherwise you'll end up like me.
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