Saturday, January 16, 2010

1986 Z28 Camaro

Got my hands on a V8 TPI Camaro today and like what I see. I've never driven one till today and I must say that it is outrageously fun. A giant 5.0 LB9 V8. It's rated at 190 HP / 285 torque. Lots of jump, which is where the fun comes in. Oh, and the rear wheel drive. It's so light in the back if you press the gas your tires will spin. There's just something about a car that made for something other then functionality. The growl it makes will frighten off grown men. In certain states you can't even drive it (or couldn't afford to get it up to emission standards). In Ohio, if it runs, you can drive it. It's also crazy to think that next year it will be 25 years old. A classic in some books.

So, bring on the redneck jokes, crack open a Miller Light and crank up Slayer. It's a monster V8 ripping across roads in the mid-west!

Stick it you damn Toyota Prius!

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