Tuesday, April 29, 2008

8 bit

My Xbox 360 returned to me last week and seems to be working again just fine. I resumed my futile attempts at higher ranks at Call of Duty 4 and revived my addiction to Galaga. However, with the release of Grand Theft Auto 4 I think that all other games will be cast asunder for a few weeks. From what I've read, this is the best Rockstar has given us, and that is saying something.

'In der Beschrankung zeigt sich erst der Meister'... limitation reveals the real mastery. Or so www.8bitpeoples.com says, by quoting Goethe, about the music of Stu. The site is incredible. I can't get enough of the music found there. It's what we have the internet for. The music is in part the realization of some of the early 20th century German Bauhaus (got a Klee hanging at my desk) that art should meet the needs of society and that no distinction should be made between fine arts and practical crafts. While we are going German it is worth mentioning that this music is of the Karlheinz Stockhausen school. Some of the tracks I found are so closely related to the thought process behind Stockhausen's it's erie. I think he'd be proud of my video.

Most of this madness was inspired by the documentary "King of Kong: Fistful of Quarters". Watch it. Besides being good; You'll find an extra that features art from the "I am 8 Bit" gallery that is part of the 80's revival junk everywhere. Remember wondering how the 80's would impact our culture now like the 70's did in the 90's? Well. Look around I guess. I figure it is from us folks from that time are getting to be in charge and the rest of the world is just going to have to deal with it for a while.

Lots of German here today. Ii has to do with where I live I'm guessing. Ohio is filled with peoples of German decent. Off the top of my head, here are some last names of people I know here: Zerhusen, Keck, Bernthold, Eicher... Anyway, I hungry. Got me some braunschweiger chillin' and Weissburgunder to wash it down.

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